10 Causes of Bankruptcy in Mesa

Bankruptcy is an option for many Mesa, Arizona residents with debt. Whatever the reason it accumulated, overwhelming debt affects an individual’s personal, professional, financial, and family life.  The attorneys at Mesa Bankruptcy Lawyers Law firm are dedicated to exceptional legal representation and helping Arizona residents eliminate or reduce debt. Is bankruptcy the right means to eliminate your specific debt / financial situation? Both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcies are viable options to many debt-related financial issues. Consult with an attorney to find out which filing is best for your unique debt case, and to get information on your rights as a debtor as well as debt-relief options.

10 leading causes of bankruptcy infographic

Sometimes debt is caused by an unplanned disaster, unforeseen medical expenses, or loss of a job. Other times debt happens because of poor financial planning or overspending. Despite best efforts to make monthly payments and stay ahead of debt, it sometimes becomes too overwhelming. Bankruptcy is an option when you need to take control of debt, and achieve a financial fresh start. Because of an automatic stay, when a bankruptcy petition is filed, it puts a stop to wage garnishments, repossessions, or a  foreclosure.

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